Changes to 2024 League and Competitions
Basingstoke & District Bowling Association
Following votes taken by member clubs at BDBA AGM on December 5th 2023 (full minutes to follow) the following changes will apply to BDBA Leagues and Competitions in 2024;
Monday League remains as a 3 triples competition open to mixed teams, matches are 18 ends and trial ends should be played.
Friday League reverts to a 2 rink competition for male bowlers only. Matches to be 18 ends and trial ends must be played.
All other BDBA competitions to be open to all bowlers, subject to qualification criteria, this includes Hants and Berks Cup, which remains a 3 rink competition but matches will be played over 18 ends. The BDBA Open Pairs, Over 60s pairs, 2 wood triples and Fours knockout competitions to be played over 18 ends in line with County and National Competition,.
Play on dates will be scheduled for Open Pairs, Triples and Fours knockout competition, these will continue to be on Tuesdays so as not to clash with BDBA, or Whitchurch, League dates.
It was also agreed that a sub committee be appointed to fully review the competitions that the Association runs from 2025, this to take into account ongoing discussions for format changes within Bowls England Competitions.
Contact Information
David Morris
Find Basingstoke & District Bowling Association
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Additional Information
Please see 'Member Clubs' page for information on individual Clubs.