Recording Comp. Results

***** Details of 2025 Procedure to be updated when new Competition Secretary appointed *****
Results, and details of team members / substitutions, as outlined below, to be notified to Competition Secretary as follows;
Email (preferred method) to
Text message to
Or ( if neither of above available) by phone to . . Please leave voicemail with date and time and details of result if I am unable to answer
Match results must be recorded as soon as possible after being played and no later than midday on the day after the PLAY ON OR BEFORE or PLAY ON date. NOTE: PLAY ON dates may be played earlier, but only by mutual agreement by both teams. You do not need to send in cards, or copies, but please keep all Match Cards in case of any dispute, when they may be required as proof of the match result.
In Pairs, Triples and Fours, the players taking part in the first game shall constitute the team and shall normally play together throughout the Championship. One additional, and the same player, may be used as a substitute at any time provided they have not already played or entered in the same Championship. In line with Bowls England rules they may play in any position.
The named entrant conceding a walkover before their first game in any Championship cannot act as a substitute in the same Championship, as this is considered a game played and lost.
The named entrant of a team cannot be a member or substitute of any other team in the same Championship.
If a substitute is required during a game then the rules in the current Laws of the Sport of Bowls apply
List of team members and any substitutes must be provided to Competition Secretary when advising results, an image of the scorecard is preferred.
Please be aware of all BDBA Competition Rules , where no specific BDBA rule is specified Bowls England rules will apply
Good Bowling